Who can I write a story about?
Although we originally only accepted stories from those who resided in the United States, as of October 2022 we have expanded our reach, and you may now write about someone you lost, no matter where you live or where they lived.
In addition, you may write about someone you lost during the timeframe of the pandemic, to causes other than solely Covid, such as nursing home neglect, rapid decline due to isolation, etc. Further, if you lost someone but could not properly memorialize or mourn due to social distancing and isolation, you are welcome to write their story here too, and we will publish it on the site.
Do I need to reside in the U.S. to submit a story?
No. You can write and submit from anywhere.
How many times can I write on the site?
As often as you wish. We encourage you to document important memories and insights whenever they occur to you. Encourage your friends and relatives to do the same, as this adds resonance to the story you need and want to share.
Can minors submit a story?
Yes, but we suggest that anyone under the age of 15 let the family of the deceased know about the story if the situation seems to indicate that permission would be needed or necessary.
Someone submitted a story about my loved one and I do not want it to appear on the site.
What should I do?
Please send us a message on the contact form and we will remedy the situation.
I want to submit a story about my battle with Covid-19 and/or what a hard time I’m continuing to have with Long Covid. Can I do that?
Yes. Several people have written about their experiences with Long Covid.
Why do you need my email address when I submit the story?
We have to be able to contact you about what you wrote if the need arises. However, rest assured, we promise we will never give those email addresses to anyone else (like a journalist) without your permission. We do not ever share the list with other organizations or sell the information.
I want to publish my story elsewhere. Who owns the rights to what I wrote?
You own all rights to your work. We love it when our writers want to share, and we’d truly appreciate it if you let us know because we feel our mission is helping to expand the definition of what a ‘writing community’ is and we’re quite proud of that.