Stories: Who We Have Lost

Til the wheels fall off

Story aboutRichard Gutierrez

Son, brother, father, grandpa, uncle … the best and most amazing of all. He was kind, caring, loving. Always there when you needed him. His motto “Till the wheels fall off” — his expression of how much he loved you. You have left such a huge hole in our hearts. The laughter you gave us is not the same without your presence. You are deeply missed. Brother, life is not the same without you. I never imagined a life without you by my side. Please continue to watch over us from heaven. May you and your Covid warriors help our families heal from the loss of all our loved ones. To infinity and beyond, brother.

Chocolate Milk Mustaches

Story aboutLovita Irby

Grandkids sleepovers: The highlight of summer and Christmas break. When we went to Gramps and Grammy’s you knew that you were for sure leaving with two things … A belly full of El Fenix and a chocolate milk mustache.

On top of the fridge, there was a black and white “moo mixer” that would swirl and twirl to make the perfect chocolate milk. We would practically beg for her to bring it down so we could use an unhealthy amount of chocolate syrup (it had to be Hersheys) with our milk. Time was a figment of the imagination though, seeing as how these sessions of dancing in the kitchen and fighting over who got to make their chocolate milk first typically happened as close as humanly possible to midnight after watching movies in PJs all night.

Don’t worry though. Amazon still has them, so these 20 and 24-year-olds can still enjoy our chocolate milk mustaches. Love and miss you so much Grammy. Today, we’re at the shop with Gramps and we’re going to the movies with him.

Love Notes

Story aboutGene Fitzpatrick

My husband Gene put sticky notes with words of love all over the house–in cabinets, drawers, etc. After he passed, I found one in a box that I’d never seen.

Thank you, sweetheart.


Story aboutMartin B. Coll, Jr.

After my dad died, I was sitting on the floor in his living room going through his wallet. Folded in half, I found a yellow post-it note with these words on it: “There is always – always – always something to be thankful for.” Even after he had died, my dad was showing me how to live my life.


Story aboutJames Vance

James was a police officer and we used the word “Always” to let each other know we were safe. If I was traveling, he would tell me to be careful and I’d reply “Always.” If he was at work, and something was bad going on, I would get a text “Always.” When getting that text, I knew he was ok and would call or message when he could. It became our stability.

Please Come Home Safe — Always
Be Careful — Always
Let me know when you’re there — Always

I Love you Always JD, I Miss you Always

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