Stories: Who We Have Lost

My Son

Who did you lose to Covid 19? Rob Happe

I know everyone thinks their child is wonderful but Rob truly was a kind loving son.

He and I shared the love of the NY Giants as he and his father shared the love of NASCAR. Football Sundays were the best at our house. Rob and his buddies were always there. All rooting for different teams.

Rob always did for others especially if they were his elders. Rob tried to play Mr. tough guy but he had a tender heart that he shared with me many times. He had a sense of humor that could bring a smile to your face and make any moment better just by being himself.

Rob was a hard worker and very dedicated to his career at PSEG and was loved by his co-workers. Rob was a protective older brother to his sister Cait. Rob shared his life with Nicole. He was in the prime of his life making good money, had purchased a new beautiful home and enjoyed his “toys” up until this virus grabbed him.

It will be a year on Oct 16th 2022, that Rob was called home. He fought hard but God loved him more. In his memory, to keep it alive, we have started a fund to help the Hockey Team he played on at the school he graduated from. Can’t let this virus win so I will live for Rob and never stop saying his name.

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