Stories: Who We Have Lost

The woman who wanted to go to her daughter's wedding.

Who did you lose to Covid 19? Neighbor ICU

I was in the ICU with COVID for 29 days, 14 of which were on a ventilator. Nothing was working until they gave me Remdesivir. When they let me leave, I spoke with one of my nurses (who spoke the best English) and she told me of the only other patient: a woman who she became friends with. The nurse was saddened because her friend wanted to go to her daughter’s wedding and didn’t make it. When I returned to thank the staff after a few weeks, the women in administration actually cried because I was not supposed to make it. All the reports were bad, bad, bad.

I mourn for her and don’t know why I made it, and she did not. At first this really used to bother me, but I try to make sure I live everyday savoring life. What does this mean? For me it means really talking to people instead of just bumping into them in life. I’m truly interested in what’s going on in other people’s lives. I have little fear of being embarrassed any more. For heaven’s sake, I almost wasn’t here. I have always known how to sing, but due to my fear/adoption issues, I couldn’t do it publicly. Well, now I do karaoke frequently with my wife. Too bad I waited until I ripped the ventilator tube out of my throat twice in the ICU and I think I caused a little damage. Oh, well!

I walk on the beach several times a week with my beautiful labradoodle that my wife promised me (and I heard while on the ventilator). I work with guys in prison to try to improve themselves. I mentor college students from my alma mater. My retirement plan was solidified. After all, I almost missed out on that.

My story might not be appropriate for this forum, but I wanted to share it just in case. I will never forget the woman who didn’t make her daughter’s wedding. I can only hope her daughter was able to make it through that troubling time and had a great wedding.

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