Stories: Who We Have Lost
Who did you lose to Covid 19? Michael Mantell
This September, Mike and I will have our 8th grandchild. I say the both of us even though Mike passed from Covid in April 2020 and he only held 3 of them.
Our family is growing and Mike is not here to experience the wonder of being a grandparent. When our first was born he bored everyone with pictures, and stories of their first smile, first step, etc. etc.
I should be happy that another little girl is coming into our family but I have such sadness that he won’t be here to brag a little bit more to whoever would listen to him!
Covid has taken so much from so many and now the world wants to return to normal as if nothing has happened. My grandchildren will never know this great man.
Author: Mary Mantell
August 13, 2022