Stories: Who We Have Lost
She Left Behind Her Faith, Hope and Love
Who did you lose to Covid 19? Roberta McCoskey
Mom taught us many lessons. Most importantly is to have faith, hope, and love.
She was the most complicated woman we ever met. Not that we needed a reminder, but she often said “There’s not another one like me.”
She was right. There wasn’t and never will be. Mom was dealt a tough hand in life and was forced to be both our mother and father. She raised all 6 of us by herself.
God knows we were tough to raise and we pushed her well beyond her breaking point.
But she never gave up on us. She knew us inside and out. She knew our secrets, and never once broke our trust.
She poured her love into us. She knew every one of our buttons and she pushed every damn one of them. She fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.
Mom was a devout Catholic and the most faithful person we knew. When we were kids, she made sure we were at mass every Sunday.
With everything, she had her unique way of doing things. She arrived late but in time for the collection plate, and sat in the back of the church.
This way she could receive communion, listen just a bit longer, then beat the priest out the door. If she missed confession, she did not take communion. Especially if she thought about killing someone that week.
Mom, you were a good and faithful servant.